Here are 8 Unnoticeable Symptoms of a ANXIETY DISORDER that you maybe be overlooking!
- Fatigue
- Sleeping problems
- Poor memory
- Unable to make clear decisions
- Day dreaming/zoning out
- Racing heart and palpitations
- Intrusive thoughts
- Irritable/angry
It’s safe to say that some stress anxiety is completely normal and healthy for your physical and mental health. For example, fast heart rate after getting off a roller coaster or butterflies during your business zoom call are normal healthy stress-anxiety reaction our body gives after it has alerted us of what could have been a dangerous or threatening situation. After we are alerted of the possible threat or danger our body will go into fight, flight, or fawn. After this response period, anxiety will take place. Stress(emotion) is a response to a threat in a situation and anxiety(biological) is a reaction to the stress. Read that again.
Generalized(chronic) anxiety disorder is a mental disorder that is characterized by excessive, extreme unrealistic worry or fear that is normally caused by unknown reasons. For example, things like keeping a job, any kind of social interaction, and/or health or hygiene can become difficult to maintain or incapable. This could last at least up to 6 months consecutively and will interfere with daily life skills and activities needed to complete a successful healthy life.
Have you noticed no matter how many naps you take, how early you go to sleep or stay in bed you still don't feel like doing anything! You're always tired, but notice you haven't really been active enough to be so exhausted. Fatigue is a common symptom of chronic anxiety. Chronic anxiety causes the mind and body to be in constant fight, flight, or fawn responding mode. It is linked to ongoing stressful thinking and very high, ongoing activity in the brain. Meaning your brain is always in alert mode and ready to “protect” itself from a threat. The Anchor Wellness Center says that research proves the brain can become fatigued from overuse. This can lead to brain fog and general sense of tiredness. Please be aware that fatigue is a symptom for other disorders and you should speak with your mental physician for any health concerns.
If sleep never feels satisfying for you or falling asleep is one of the hardest parts of your day and when you do sleep you tend to have nightmares consistently then you could be struggling with anxiety. Since anxiety always keeps the brain in a hyper-active state then it cloud be keeping you from getting the proper amount of sleep. Please beware that insomnia is a symptom for other disorders and you should speak with your mental health physician for any mental health concerns.
Anxiety makes it extremely hard to concentrate or be in reality with the moment in front of you. So, unfortunately your short or long term memory is probably shot or missing. You’ve noticed it’s nearly impossible to retain any new information or you simply don’t remember anything without having to ponder over what actually happened or was learned. This could be a sign of anxiety. Due to the brain always being in high alert and stress it becomes hard for information to be remembered or learned. Please be aware that poor memory is also a symptom of depression and you should speak with your mental health physician for any health concerns.
Do you have a habit of always questioning you’re decisions? Like you almost don’t ever feel satisfied with what you thought was your best choice because maybe the other decision would have been better. You aren’t sure if your afraid of being wrong or hurt but you try to avoid both at all cost! Anxiety loves to capitalize on negative things or situations that could go wrong. So when it’s time to make a decision a person can be incapable of making the best decision due to the fear of experiencing a negative outcome.
Emotion is essential for fight, flight or fawn response in dangerous situations, and anxiety is a natural reaction to your emotion. For instance, hyper vigilance linked with anxiety if a bear is running wild would be appropriate. However, Luana Marquees, a psychologist and president of the Anxiety and Depression Association, says too much anxiety can cause troubled decision making. She says “Patients are having trouble figuring out: ‘is this a good decision or not?’ and that’s because their brain is not fully on to be able to make decisions.” When the brain is already in overdrive, extreme emotion can rid the ability to make decisions. Please beware that indecisiveness is a symptom in other disorders like OCD and depression and you should speak with your mental health physician for any mental health concerns.
First and foremost it must be said that day dreaming while doing things like laundry or scrolling on Instagram are normal. According to research has proven day dreaming benefits for people usually look like exceptional problem solving skills and enhanced creativity. However, zoning out too often during the day can cause you to have fog brain, a loss in time and be unable to remember how you actually get through your days.
Since chronic anxiety always carries unwanted negative thoughts and worries it can cause your brain to always be in high alert which in turn can make you disconnect from the environment around you. This is what births the idea of day dreaming. Think of a child in an unsafe environment. Once the bad situation occurs anxiety sets in and they imagine themselves in a better place. As an adult you may often detach yourself by day dreaming while driving or shutting down in a argument with your loved one. These reactions in these types of moments could be linked to some anxiety. Try back tracking to where the day dreaming started so you can become aware of your triggers, surrounding environment and daily tasks. Note that chronic zoning out can be a sign of dissociative disorders. Please speak with you mental health physician for any mental health concerns.
Those mini heart attacks or random tight and heavy chest moments you keep getting could be linked to anxiety. Intrusive or unwanted negative thoughts can cause a racing heart beat and tight chest and because anxiety appears in these moments or may be you have a busy lifestyle, you could be overlooking the correlation between the two. Overlooking these moments could be causing you to miss the opportunity to figure out what to do to improve the symptom or prevent it from happening.
Try asking your self small questions like … How am I feeling right now? What am I doing right now? What is the worse that could happen right now? What am I thinking about in this moment? This could be what your missing to reduce or prevent this anxiety related symptom that keeps “randomly happening”. It also allows you to get to the root of what could be causing your fast heart beating and clenching chest! Please note smoking/nicotine, physical activity and other disorders show racing heart and palpitations as a symptom. You should see your mental health physician for any mental concerns.
Are your negative thoughts so obsessed with you it’s starting to invade your mental privacy. You keep obsessing over traumatic situations, what if’s, and worrying about things your doing wrong or what you fear happening. So intrusive that before you know it you only heard the end of what someone was saying to you. Having intrusive or unwanted negative thoughts is a common symptom of anxiety that some may brush off or consider as “normal.” However, leaving symptoms untreated will lead into chronic anxiety or other disorders linked to anxiety. Please beware that this is a symptom of other disorders and you should speak with a mental health physician for any mental health concerns.
**common symptom
Are you always hearing people tell you you get mad fast or maybe you have a bad attitude. Think about it. Can you admit to snapping back at people when they say certain things or ask certain questions. It’s almost like like being at any level of discomfort will simply put you on edge. Research for anxious black women from the ADAA has found that anger is an outward expression of their discomfort with negative affect associated with anxiety. So, the times Mother Nature isn’t knocking at your door and you’re being mean and upset may be related to anxiety.
Because the consequence of anxiety is worry, fear and negative thoughts, feelings and emotions; normal daily challenges can become intolerable. As a result, negative reactions such as extreme anger and irritability can put your anxiety at an all time high. Please beware that this is a symptom for other disorders and you should speak with your mental health physician for any mental health concerns.
It is important that we know symptoms of anxiety being it is the leading mental health disorder affecting at least $264 million people worldwide(ADAA). Knowing about symptoms you may have allows you to have the freedom to change bad habits, become more aware of your body and when things are out of wack, coping skills and a chance to seek professional help before disorders occur or worsen. Time and time again we see people frown up at the idea of having anxiety or believe “that’s just how I am.” Not giving themselves a real chance at life and their growing journey before canceling themselves out. The human body changes everyday and learns unhealthy and healthy ways to adapt to its environment. It is your job to maintain a healthy lifestyle for your mind, body and spirit and to be your best self for your loved ones. Start with your mental health!
Start by saying I love and accept myself as I am without fear. Now believe it. Then, think about if the information is actually suitable for you. If the shoe fits that’s okay. You have now completed the first step of your new journey for a healthier lifestyle. Now, let’s find healthier ways to cope with your anxiety and figure out what your next steps are. Contact Us by commenting below or going to our contact page with any questions or concerns you may have. Seek professional help. Look for counseling and therapy services from trusted and suitable psychologist or organizations near you to share your concerns and receive a professional opinion on steps you should take. Share with a friend who needs it or keep it to be a friend of support. Pray.
A Milli Merch values mental health and wellness and we believe you can achieve anything you desire starting with a healthy mindset. We are always researching and creating news ways to help you become more aware of how to create a desirable life for yourself. That being said please be sure to always communicate your needs from our brand! We appreciate what you have to say and always work toward giving beneficial ways to create a healthier and more beautiful lifestyle for you the best way we know how. One of the ways that’s to be done is by hearing from you!
Comment below if you could relate on the blog or had any other questions or comments🧡 Get back to us on our contact page with any personal questions or information you would like to share. Be sure to show a loved one and don’t forget to Tag Us Let us know if you want more blogs with different topics or need more symptoms or life hacks on ways to cope with anxiety! XOXO